File 0002.1: The Fantastical Tale of Mister Edinger part 7
He thought of mountains, of desserts, of anything that contained ground-related elements. He opened his eyes (which he again had closed without noticing). A tiny piece of rock lifted up and dropped down before reaching the fire.…
File 0001.9: The Fantastical Tale of Mr. Edinger part 6
She stood up and went outside without a word. Edward looked at the door and then realized she wanted him to follow her. He got up quickly and went outside. It took a while before he found…
File 0001.7: The Fantastical Tale of Mr. Edinger part 5
He waited but nothing happened. He knocked again. He looked at Arthur who shrugged. He pushed the door and it opened very smoothly. “Edward Edinger, do you always open doors before you are invited?” A female voice…
File 0001.5: The Fantastical Tale of Mr. Edinger part 4
Ten minutes past and Edward slowly started to feel better and also a bit drowsy. He opened his eyes and looked around. The cat had not moved and appeared to be asleep but as soon as Edward…
File 0001.4: The Fantastical Tale of Mister Edinger part 3
His head was spinning, the headache definitely was back now and in full force. He considered for a moment to hold the same position as the rock that he hid, in hindsight, was quite comfortable. He also…
File 0001.2: The Fantastical Tale of Mister Edinger part 2
After 15 minutes Edward came across a crossroad. Here he had a choice to make. Left meant, the short route and he would be home soon, straight-ahead meant the long route, which would take him three to…
File 0001.1: The Fantastical tale of Mister Edinger – Part 1
It was a Saturday morning in July, a most unremarkable Saturday, so unremarkable I’m wondering why I, the author, am even writing about this unremarkable Saturday. But as it so happens I am writing about this unremarkable…