File 0002.5: In the end does it even matter
I had such a good streak and then I lost my way. Ah well, that’s life and I’m not going to think about it too much. I’m going to pretend it did not happen and hope the…
File 0002.4: Meat is back on the menu boys
No, this is not an anti-vegan post. I honestly do not care what you’re eating preferences are. You do you do boo, don’t yuck on someone’s yum, I could not care less! This is about writing. One…
File 0002.3: It’s been five years
It’s been five years since my dad passed away. Normally I don’t talk about it too much. This might come as a surprise to you but I’m a bit of an introvert and I don’t like to…
File 0002.2: I like opinions like I like my mushroom soup, I don’t like mushroom soup
I think it must have been almost 20 years ago…which made me realize that I’m almost 40. Not that I care about that but still…40…that’s a nice big round number. But I digress, and I’m not even…
File 0002.1: The Fantastical Tale of Mister Edinger part 7
He thought of mountains, of desserts, of anything that contained ground-related elements. He opened his eyes (which he again had closed without noticing). A tiny piece of rock lifted up and dropped down before reaching the fire.…
File 0002.0: And I will write 200 words and I will write 200 more
200 words each day, If I can keep that up it will be 73.000 words at the end of the year. That is 23.000 more than what’s required for NaNoWriMo. Of course, those 50.000 you would need…
File 0001.9: The Fantastical Tale of Mr. Edinger part 6
She stood up and went outside without a word. Edward looked at the door and then realized she wanted him to follow her. He got up quickly and went outside. It took a while before he found…
File 0001.8: What do you want to do?
If there is one thing I would love to do it would be playing a tabletop RPG. The whole idea of creating characters and telling stories sounds so amazing to me. But for that, you would need…
File 0001.7: The Fantastical Tale of Mr. Edinger part 5
He waited but nothing happened. He knocked again. He looked at Arthur who shrugged. He pushed the door and it opened very smoothly. “Edward Edinger, do you always open doors before you are invited?” A female voice…
File 0001.6: New year, new plan
I used to be against New years resolutions as a concept as life usually doesn’t start anew at the beginning of a year and stuff from the old year passes on into the new year, however, I…